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By Amie Burke
We all know that social media can be the best thing to happen to your B2B communications and marketing. Social media is a great way to capture the attention of other businesses that may want to partner with you. You can also keep an eye on your competitors to see what they are up to. Social media can do a lot for your business that traditional forms of media just cannot do. But, how do you stay relevant & on top of the rapidly changing social media environment? Here are a few tips to remember:
Your business is really interesting.
Your business is interesting & there is a need for it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be in business! So how do you capture the interesting ways your business gets things done? By showing a few peeks behind the curtain that most people do not get to see. This idea doesn’t have to be a grand production, it can be very small and unique. Of course, being cognizant of any privacy regulations for your company, you can still share something interesting about your company that your competitors do not have. What would that be?
Be genuine & authentic.
With the ever changing landscape of social media, it is more important than ever to show your business is run by humans. No one is perfect. Not every photo or video has to be perfect. Showing only a glossy exterior is now becoming something that is being ignored by younger generations as not being authentic. Yes, cool marketing shots are great, but they should not be the only thing that is shared on your business social media. Even a quick photo of workers having fun at a company cook-out from your phone speaks to your company’s authenticity.
For real, share it.
Sometimes we feel that other businesses or people don’t care about what we share. That’s not true. People take the time to follow your business page on various channels of social media. Now, it is your time to shine a light on what your business does to your audience. You already have an audience, or you are building one, you really want to be able to speak to them in a more relaxed way through social media. Don’t get hung up on feeling like no one will care about your post. They do care and they appreciate you sharing.
These tips are great starting points on how you treat your social media channels for your business. These tips will help you think more strategically for your social media posts as well. People are getting more critical of their own personal social media consumption. Customers are curating their own social media habits to fit the kind of media they would like to experience. Ensuring that your business profiles can serve your customers/audience, or potential partners, in a positive way, will help your business grow.